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Generated 2024-12-11 20:15:19 UTC
Archive URI berkeley_219606c1-c4e7-44d3-91c7-faf54695c276.ogg
Segment 1
All right, I don't have the agenda in front of me actually, but I'd like to call this special meeting to order.Okay.
Can you take the roll please? Yes, I will take the roll.
Thank you, Mayor.
Council member Kesarwani? Here.
Taplin? Present.
Bartlett? Here.
Tregub? Present.
O'Keefe? Here.
Kulakovi? Here.
Lunaparra? Here.
Humbert? Present.
And Mayor Ishii? Here.
Quorum is present.
Hey, well, welcome everyone.
I'd like to welcome you to the December 10th special meeting of the Berkeley City Council and call this meeting to order.
I did that, so I believe we just have one item on our agenda, so would someone like to move item number one as written? So I say move.
Clerk, would you like to call the roll? We could take public comment on the consent calendar at this time.
I don't have this.
Here it is.
Yes, I'd like to take public comment.
Is there any public comment from attendees in the room for the 5 30 p.m.
special meeting? Does it have to be on topic? Yes, yes.
No speakers in the room? Okay, we'll turn to the remote attendees.
We have one speaker who's raised his hand.
Blair Beekman, you can now unmute and provide comment.
Hi, I'm Blair Beekman.
I'm a person who works on the issues of tech accountability, the future of open public policies and best practices with the future of our technology, surveillance and data collection.
Congratulations to the new mayor.
Thank you.
It's nice to be here, to be a part of this process with the new mayor.
Thank you.
All candidates are always important and good.
I'm really hopeful in what the new mayor can be working towards and accomplishing.
I hope we can really set a course to really understand that tech accountability is a process of community participation.
It's an awesome process.
It does some really amazing good things in working together as a full community effort and not just specific specialized groups.
It's really interesting work.
Good luck in the efforts.
Thanks for the meeting today.
Hello to Berkeley.
I'm currently in Vietnam, by the way.
I'll be here for a few more months.
Thanks for your time.
Thank you.
All right.
Any other comments? There are no other speakers on Zoom, so we could proceed to a vote on the consent calendar to confirm the results of the November 5th, 2024 general municipal election.
Council Member Kasterwani? Yes.
Taplin? Yes.
Bartlett? Yes.
Trago? Aye.
O'Keefe? Yes.
Blackabay? Yes.
Lunapara? Yes.
Humbert? Yes.
And Mayor Ishii? Yes.
The motion carries, and that concludes the business for the 5.30 p.m.
special meeting.
Thank you.
We will start our regular meeting at 6 p.m.
for the ceremonial swearing-in of our new members.
Is there a motion to adjourn? So moved.
Thank you.
Council Member Kasterwani? Yes.
Taplin? Yes.
Bartlett? Yes.
Trago? Aye.
O'Keefe? Yes.
Blackabay? Yes.
Lunapara? Yes.
Humbert? Yes.
And Mayor Ishii? Yes.
We are adjourned from the 5.30 p.m.
special meeting.
Thank you.
Thanks, everyone, for waiting.
Recording stopped.